Working with Hardware

  • Set your default SketchUp template units to inch or cm before working in MAKE.
  • Don't change the units in a SketchUp model after creating MAKE operations.

Video: Selecting The Template

MAKE lets you attach milling and drilling operations to hardware components from simple screws and bolts to hinges, drawer slides and complex functional mechanisms. Machining operations can be inherited from the hardware to the panel components they attach to, making accurate placement of operations easy, accurate and reliable.

Required Attributes for Hardware


  • set the type attribute value to hardware. All Type values must be lower case, i.e. 'hardware' not 'Hardware' or 'HARDWARE'.


  • the SKU attribute value is typically set to the hardware manufacturer's part number or an internal part number. Components with a SKU attribute set are exported in the CSV BOM. The value of the SKU should be preceded by an equal sign and inside of quotes, for example SKU ="9071220" as shown in the image below.
  • A component of type hardware can be used at any position in the hierarchy, however if an operation is associated with a hardware component its position in the hierarchy must follow the rules for associated operation.
  • In order for a component of type hardware to be useful in the BOM export, a SKU attribute containing the hardware part number should also be used

Attaching operations to Hardware

A hardware component can contain one or more machining operations. Like any machining operation, these are represented symbolically and optionally can have geometry that represents what the operation will 'look like' in the part, such as a cylinder that represents a drill hole, or a rectangle that represents a dado groove.

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